Conflict: In the story, a boy named Martin Luna struggles to stay on the positive path of life after the death of his little brother Huero and being hunted by his old friend Frankie. Setting:The story takes place at Bluford High School, the hospital,and Martin's house Chapter 1. Author: Paul Langan. Length: 2 hours 13 minutes. Lexile® Level: L. This sequel to Brothers in Arms picks up the story of Martin Luna as he struggles to rebuild his life after the death of his little brother. In trouble at Bluford High School for fighting, Martin faces an even bigger problem at home: Frankie, the most feared homeboy from his neighborhood, is hunting him. · The Fallen, A Bluford High Series is written by Langan. He was born in Philadelphia in and spent most of his early childhood in that city before moving with his mother to . The Fallen (Bluford Series Book 11) eBook: Langan, Paul: Kindle Store. Buying Options. Print List Price: $ Kindle Price: $ Save $ (29%) You've subscribed to Bluford Series! We will preorder your items within 24 hours of when they become available. Author: Paul Langan Length: 2 hours 13 minutes Lexile® Level: L This sequel to Brothers in Arms picks up the story of Martin Luna as he struggles to rebuild his life after the death of his little brother. In trouble at Bluford High School for fighting, Martin faces an even bigger problem at home: Frankie, the most feared homeboy from his neighborhood, is hunting him. The Fallen by Paul Langan. Page Views. Shattered by Paul Langan. Page Views. Search for Safety by John Langan. Page Views. No Way Out by Peggy Kern. Page Views. Pretty Ugly by Karyn Langhorne Folan. Page Views. A Matter of Trust by Anne Schraff. Page Views. Someone to Love Me by Anne Schraff.
Buy a cheap copy of The Fallen (Bluford Series, Number 11) book by Paul Langan. Martin Luna's world is crumbling. A fight threatens to end his sophomore year at Bluford High School. But at home, things are even worse. Frankie, the most feared Free Shipping on all orders over $ Conflict: In the story, a boy named Martin Luna struggles to stay on the positive path of life after the death of his little brother Huero and being hunted by his old friend Frankie. Setting:The story takes place at Bluford High School, the hospital,and Martin's house Chapter 1. The Fallen, A Bluford High Series is written by Langan. He was born in Philadelphia in and spent most of his early childhood in that city before moving with his mother to southern New Jersey.