· ― Jerry Dubs, The Buried Pyramid. 4 likes. Like “What I think you should do, Hetephernebti, is determine what you want. Make sure it is from love, that is the way of ma’at. Make sure it is not selfish, because that is the way to discord/5. The Buried Pyramid Jerry Dubs, author Both a prequel and sequel to “Imhotep,” “The Buried Pyramid” begins as the Second Dynasty of ancient Egypt comes crashing to an end with the assassination of King Kha-Sekhemwy, the forced marriage of his daughter to the king's assassin, and the disappearance of Prince Djoser, rightful heir to the. “The Buried Pyramid” is the second book in a highly praised tetralogy about the ancient Egyptian architect Imhotep. The first novel of the series is “Imhotep.” The third is “The Forest of Myrrh.” The fourth and final novel is "The Field of Reeds.".
Jerry Dubs was a journalist for 30 years. He was and remains fascinated by the way different people view and react to events in different, sometimes totally opposing ways. Placing modern Americans in an ancient world was one way to play with this idea. View my complete profile. The Buried Pyramid | Dubs, Jerry | download | Z-Library. Download books for free. Find books. P74G1 - Download and read The Buried Pyramid (Imhotep 2) book by Jerry Dubs online in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle and other supported format. Book Details Title: The Buried Pyramid (Imhotep 2) Author: Jerry Dubs Genre: -Pages: Not Available ISBN: n/a Download and Read The Buried Pyramid (Imhotep 2) by Jerry Dubs Download and read book is easy.
Jerry. I've always been drawn to science fiction. The seed for "Imhotep," my first novel, was an incident that happened in , when my wife and I were in Egypt. In the Imhotep series I explore the information divide in modern America. In a new series of books, I'm planning to explore the development of personal identity. The Buried Pyramid Jerry Dubs, author Both a prequel and sequel to “Imhotep,” “The Buried Pyramid” begins as the Second Dynasty of ancient Egypt comes crashing to an end with the assassination of King Kha-Sekhemwy, the forced marriage of his daughter to the king's assassin, and the disappearance of Prince Djoser, rightful heir to the. The Buried Pyramid Imhotep 2 Jerry Dubs 1/1 Downloaded from www.doorway.ru on J by guest Read Online The Buried Pyramid Imhotep 2 Jerry Dubs Getting the books the buried pyramid imhotep 2 jerry dubs now is not type of inspiring means.