“The Apollo Illusion” is a story for the hackers, the techies, the seekers, and the rebels of the world. “A dark look at a future more closely in alignment with the present than Lopatin anticipated when she completed the first draft four years ago.” -Arizona Daily SunEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins. "The Apollo Illusion" is a story for the hackers, the techies, the seekers, and the rebels of the world. "A dark look at a future more closely in alignment with the present than Lopatin anticipated when she completed the first draft four years ago."/5(33). The Apollo Illusion is a futuristic novel that follows Flora, Andrew and Don as they look for answers about the world outside of Apollo. The Apollo Illusion is set in Northern Arizona, and is very well written in an easy to read format. Shari does a wonderful job of painting a picture of a society that appears idealistic, however you quickly realize that there is a lot more going on beneath the surface than the /5.
I am crazy excited to announce that the Phoenix Public Library chose my book, The Apollo Illusion, to be included in its FIRST Read Local Author Fair event!In partnership with Local First Arizona and along with about 30 other Arizona authors, I'll have a booth set up so you can purchase a copy of The Apollo Illusion, get your book signed, and/or grab a selfie for Facebook or Instagram. Shari Lopatin, Author, Phoenix, Arizona. likes. Shari Lopatin tells stories that matter. She began as an award-winning journalist and is now the author of her debut novel, The Apollo Illusion. I never found out how they heard about me, or why they cared. I went with it, anyway. For once, I wasn't the one writing the story. A magazine interviewed me, and it felt pretty cool! A few weeks later, on September 7, my article in Shoutout Arizona published and this was the result: Read the Article. 1.
A powerful debut from award-winning journalist Shari Lopatin, "The Apollo Illusion" is a must-read for today's older teenagers and young adults. The year is , and bullied nineteen-year-old Flora can no longer ignore the burning curiosity to learn what's behind the towering Wall surrounding her home state of Apollo. Posted on June 5, June 5, by Shari Lopatin One of the reasons I went indie with my debut novel, The Apollo Illusion, was creative control—not just of my story, but of the cover art and presentation. "The Apollo Illusion" is a story for the hackers, the techies, the seekers, and the rebels of the world. "A dark look at a future more closely in alignment with the present than Lopatin anticipated when she completed the first draft four years ago.".